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COVID-19 | Attending Matches – Guidance

COVID-19 | Attending Matches – Guidance

Jeff Ball13 Oct 2020 - 06:41
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What to do before, during and after.

From October, a small number of rugby league fixtures are planned for minis and junior players.

As with training, these matches can go ahead if following the given protocols to make a COVID secure environment. Players should bring their own water bottle and come in shorts and socks. Match jerseys only will be provided pitchside and must be washed and returned.

These are the other key points you should know:

Arriving at matches

- Meet up times will be given that reflect need to reduce the time spent congregating, i.e. players will go straight into the warm up when they arrive
- Players should arrive changed where possible
- Where kit must be shared or kept together, each person handling should sanitize their hands straight after
- Where changing rooms need to be used, government guidelines should be followed
- All bags and personal belongings should be kept in your vehicle
- There will be designated entry and exit points
- All individuals must wash or sanitise their hands upon arrival
- All participants must complete a health screening (the seven wellness questions)
- Clubs are required to record all attendees at their venue (NHS QR codes)

During matches

- Pre-match team talks must be done either in a holding area or doing the warm up
- half time team talks must be done on the pitch
- post-match team talks should happen on the pitch but be brief. Players should disperse quickly
- Warm ups should be socially distanced
- Teams should warm up using their own sanitised rugby league balls
- Match balls are provided by the home club and most be sanitised and rotated
- Balls must be washed at least every ten minutes, ideally every break in play, with the minimum disruption
- During breaks in play, players should remain socially distanced
- Coaches and substitutes should spread out on the sidelines
- Water bottles should not be shared. Players should bring their own
- Goal kickers should bring their own kicking tee
- Injuries during play should still be treated
- Face coverings and disposable gloves must be worn by the person administering first aid


- Spectators can attend matches
- Only one spectator per player
- Spectator groups must be restricted to six people and spread out
- Maintain 2m social distancing
- Wear a face covering when on site unless exempt
- All spectators must ensure they have logged their attendance
- Leave entry and exit points for the teams clear
After the match
- all participants must maintain social distancing
- After match refreshments must not be offered
- Players and spectators should be off the premises within 30 minutes of the final whistle of their game
-Where possible, players should arrive changed and shower at home
- toilets will be opened before, during and up to 30 minutes after matches
- Toilet capacity should be limited with regular cleaning

Further reading